This map shows the extent of rail lines around Newark in 1952, minus the interurban route of the Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern, whose roadbed was used as the new alignment for state Rte. 31.
CP15 and the Marion branch bridge

A westbound sits in the controlled siding waiting for traffic to clear on Dec. 30, 1977 and features two F-units that don't have much more time left in them.

A closer look at the F units -

View of the Newark & Marion branch crossing the interlocking at CP15 in March, 1979.

An eastbound TrailVan takes the crossovers at CP15, Newark, N.Y. in 1978.

An eastbound passes an old crossing sign on the private crossing at CP15 in Newark, N.Y. in 1978.

Westbound Amtrak Rohr turbotrain passes under the Marion branch just west of Newark, N.Y.

Eastbound Niagra Rainbow at CP15, Newark, NY in 1978. Photo taken from Marion branch bridge .

Marion branch bridge over the Conrail mainline near Newark, NY, 1979

An eastbound seen from the Marion branch bridge over CP15 in May, 1978.

Marion branch bridge over CP 15, Newark, NY Aug. 12 1977.

Plaque on the Marion branch bridge over CP 15, Aug. 12 1977. Reads: NEWARK & MARION RAILWAY CO INCORPORATED 1900 OFFICERS C. L. B. Tylee. Pres W.H. KELLEY Vice Pres F. (O or B). BURGESS Sec F. V.P. Peirson Treas
Engraved stone on the north abutment of the Marion branch bridge over CP 15, Aug. 12 1977.
C. L. B. Tylee. Pres
W.H. KELLEY Vice Pres
F. (O or B). BURGESS Sec
F. V.P. Peirson Treas
C. L. B. Tylee. Pres
W.H. KELLEY Vice Pres
F. (O or B). BURGESS Sec
F. V.P. Peirson Treas

The Marion branch bridge was bypassed in late 1978 with the construction of a new connection to the controlled siding at CP15, and the bridge was remove shortly thereafter. This allowed the abandonment of the section that included street running along Pearl St. into Newark, but the entire branch was closed a few years later. The scene is very different now since the bridge is gone, and CSX has removed the controlled siding, signals and switches entirely.

Conrail westbound at CP15, Newark, NY May 78.

A westbound with Alcos in May, 1978.

An eastbound works its way through the crossovers at CP15

Amtrak eastbound train 64 at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Aug. 12, 1977.

Amtrak westbound train 63 at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Aug. 12, 1977.

Westbound train with a re-engined RS-3 and a GP-9B at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Aug. 19, 1977.

A westbound makes a set-out on the controlled siding at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Aug. 19, 1977.

Amtrak westbound train 63 at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Aug. 19, 1977.

August 22, 1977 in fading light.

Amtrak train 73 westbound at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Sept. 3 1977.

Amtrak train 73 westbound at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Sept. 3 1977.

Eastbound at CP15, Newark, N.Y. on Sept. 3 1977.

Westbound at CP15, Newark NY, Jan. 1978
Sodus Branch - former PRR Elmira branch
The Sodus branch was the northern portion of the PRR's connection from the port and coal dock at Sodus Point on lake Ontario and the coal fields of central Pennsylvania. The line was laid with heavy rail and ballast to take the beating of the long heavy trains ladened with coal destined for Canada.

Conrail RS-3 5546 powers the Sodus local at Newark, NY, spring, 1979

Flooding in March, 1979
Snow melt and heavy spring rains caused extensive flooding along the Ganargua creek valley in March, 1979 and Conrail in Newark saw their Albany-Buffalo main line inundated at the underpass where the Sodus branch crossed over the main line.

Eastbound GP-40's tiptoe through the floodwaters of Ganargua creek in March. 1979.

The bosses discuss operations through the floodwaters.

A westbound TV train crawls down the controlled siding as a single unit tests the trackage under the Sodus branch bridge as another westbound waits its turn through the mess.

Crew checks the train in the water.

Trains running nose-to-tail through the flooded section under the Sodus branch.

View from the Sodus branch bridge looking west with the Newark station in view.

Trains were routed through the controlled siding between CP14 and CP15 to take advantage of the slightly higher roadbed.
Around Newark

A westbound TV train at CP14 on the east side of Newark.

A shiny Santa Fe caboose at CP14.

A switcher sits at the Newark freight house on the Sodus branch.

The eastbound Niagra Rainbow passes under the Rte. 31 bridge east of Newark at Blue Cut. The bridge was part of the Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern interurban line and was replaced in the 1980s.

End of the line — a remaining section of the old West Shore RR just off Main St., Newark.
End of the line — a remaining section of the old West Shore RR just off Main St., Newark.