This 1951 brochure was produced by the Great Northern in conjunction with the renaming and upgrading the GN’s second transcontinental train, the Oriental Limited, with brand new streamlined equipment, and rechristened as the Western Star.
This guide highlighted sights for westbound passengers aboard both Chicago-Seattle/Portland streamliners with additional route information for the Seattle- Vancouver Internationals, Minneapolis-Duluth Badger and Gopher, Minneapolis-Grand Forks Red River and Minneapolis-Winnipeg Winnipeg Ltd., and connecting west coast service to Portland, San Fran Cisco and Loa Angeles.
This guide highlighted sights for westbound passengers aboard both Chicago-Seattle/Portland streamliners with additional route information for the Seattle- Vancouver Internationals, Minneapolis-Duluth Badger and Gopher, Minneapolis-Grand Forks Red River and Minneapolis-Winnipeg Winnipeg Ltd., and connecting west coast service to Portland, San Fran Cisco and Loa Angeles.
The brochure provides Chamber of Commerce -style information about each locale, such as population, altitude and distance to the end points of the lines. There is also a page of the short history of the Great northern, plus a page depicting the accommodations aboard the Empire Builder and a page for the Western Star.
The back cover retains the illustration from the earlier editions, depicting the original motive power arrangement of the Builder — a pair of EMD E-7s, which were replaced with A/B sets of EMD passenger F units after 1950.
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